Thursday, 12 December 2013

g'day L.A. - Tony McFadden

A fascinating thing about this book is how every alternate chapter is written in the first person and third person. So, every for every chapter written in third person, there's a chapter after that written by a male author - thinking and feeling as a female.

This means you get the first person 'feel' of the girl realising she might be able to set up the bad guy for a fall. Then, in the next chapter, we get the third person description of the bad guy that's excited at how he has actually set her up, and how she's taken the bait. And so on.

It is worth reading the whole book to get to the fight scene three quarters of the way through. We get a first person description of the fight as the model turned actress struggles with the bad guy - catches him out with a few kicks to sensitive areas! Again, we get both sides of the chase, capture, evasion, retaliation and it keeps you guessing as it turns each corner (a maze of corners would be better analogy).

I also enjoyed the characters... and I dare say anybody who has had anything to do with show business will recognise the 'realness' of these characters - the victims, the exploiters and the rare stable person that can actually make a career out of any type of show business.

As with Mr McFadden's other books, again quite unique, and cleverly executed. I've read a few of his books now and, as ever, will reserve my judgement until I've read all his books, but I am getting ready to make that statement that you only make about great authors: "with Tony McFadden books, you just can't go wrong".

Gary Williams

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